Generation 10: Yuuki (& Tomato)
It's taken me a while to write this last entry, so Yuuki has been dead for over a week already…
We're about to finish this log!
夕癸 (Yuuki)
became a Marutchi
十未十 (Tomato)
was Hanpen-kun
Yuuki was an Ichigotchi
Tomato was (another) Ginnan-bōzu
Yuuki got two care mistakes and Tomato got one so I could get the characters I wanted…
But Tomato didn't turn out right: she became Tamago-chan …
It seems I didn't get the care mistakes Ginnan needs to become each character right, he might need two to
become Wiener-kun.
Yuuki did become the character I wanted:
I wanted to get a boy because I liked the idea of having a male Memetchi, I even designed
a Yuuki to have a moustache. I got a girl, but I decided to leave him the way he was.
I wanted to find out how to get the special characters on the Odentchi, but it ran out of battery
and I'd rather raise something else right now. I'll try again eventually…
I should also figure out how many mistakes are needed for each character.
After ignoring the matchmaker again and again, Yuuki decided to steal her identity.
I love Otokitchi, so I didn't mind spending one week with her…
Yuuki died this day on his sleep. I gave him a few mistakes little by little
so he died of "old age". The last care mistake was the leaving the lights on one.
This is the end of the log! I hope you enjoyed it.
I put the Plus' battery in my Music Star to drain what remains of it.
By the way, I ended up passing the Japanese exam I mentioned on the fifth generation.
I've got the N1 level now!