Generation 1: AMSE, STAV & AMA
This generation is already over. I'm a little behind…
I'll focus on my V2 this time.
I turned on three of my Tamagotchis this day: my V2, in which a boy
I named Amse was born; my V3, which had a Kuchitamatchi
called Stav,
and the 2024 version, in which a girl
I named
安真 (Ama) was born.
I didn't reset the V3 because it was a gift from a friend and I don't want to erase his data.
He's on the third generation and he's a day older than the other two… so he became a teen today:
Young Mametchi .
Amse became a Hitodetchi
Ama became a Mizutamatchi
Nothing else happened that day.
The next day, Amse became a Young Mametchi , just like Stav.
Ama turned into an Obotchi
I've been very busy with personal stuff…
I haven't been able to look after them very well, but I tried my best with Amse.
I focused on physical care with Stav.
Stav turns into an adult a day before the other two.
He's a Tarakotchi now.
On this version, Tarakotchis (and naughty adults in general) will eat at a normal speed.
On the V1 (& the Plus), Tarakotchis eat in one bite on even generations.
Today, the other two reach the adult stage.
Ama is a Hashizoutchi .
On this version, there are two different close up animations.
This is how it looks when she does it on her own, but it looks different if I press Ⓒ to make her do it.
Amse is a Mametchi
I'm not surprised, since I'm using the care miss counter in this version, but I'm still glad I managed to get a serious adult.
It's hard to get money on the V2 before the adult stage, but, since Amse is all grown up now, I can finally get rich
with the slots!
(It goes without saying that this does not work like this irl.)
I can finally buy items and treats for him.
Stav married a Wooltchi
had a boy
This is the last day of February, and the last day you can see the snow on these versions.
Amse married a Memetchi
had another boy
Ama married a Hanatchi and
had… a boy
, too.