This icon will light up every time your Tamagotchi needs your care.
Not answering in time will result in a care mistake.
There are two kinds of mistake: physical and mental.
The amount of mistakes will dictate the character your Tamagotchi grows into.
Type of call | Expected response | Type of care |
0 Hungry hearts |
Give meal | Physical |
0 Happy hearts |
Give snack Play |
Mental |
Call for no reason |
Time out | Physical |
Bad mood | Praise | Mental |
Sickness | Heal | Physical |
Sleep | Turn off the lights | Mental |
You get 15 minutes to answer the calls. Except the sleep one, that one gives you an hour.
The icon will turn off if you don't do it in time. You will have made a care mistake.
Your Tamagotchi may start begging or get mad after you miss a care call.
You can fix these mistakes by [getting over 20 points in the games].
The first game will fix mental mistakes.
The second one will fix physical ones.
Your Tamagotchi will die if:
- You let them stay with zero Hungry hearts for twelve hours.
- You let them stay sick for twelve hours.
- They get sick four times during the same stage.
- They get several care mistakes during the senior stage.
If the requirements are fulfilled, your Tamagotchi will start dying…
What you see when your Tamagotchi dies depends on the version you have:
on the Plus you'll see a ghost next to a grave, on the other versions it's an egg-shaped angel.
Press Ⓐ and Ⓒ at the same time to hatch a new egg and start over at the first generation.