Tamagotchi Keitai guide:
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In this section I'll tell you about the events that take place on the Keitai.

Daily events


The healthiest Tamagotchis will brush their teeth twice a day. After waking up and before going to bed.
Those that don't do it will yawn after waking up instead. All Tamagotchis yawn at night to tell you that they are sleepy.

Many Tamagotchis bathe every evening. Every type does it at a different time.
Only toddlers, seniors and the least healthy adults skip it…

Door-to-door salesman

Ojitchi, the door-to-door salesman, will show up twice a day: 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Every time he comes he will try to sell one of these items to you:

Item Price
Melon 1200
Lobster 1100
Escargot 900
Squid 700
Chestnut cake 520
Crepe 530
Cream puff 150
Octopus-shaped sausage 100
Surimi stick 130
Balloon 350
Ball 150
Rope 550
Trumpet 1200

Keep in mind you can use the items as many times as you want!
Don't buy items you already have.

Choose the first option (かう) to buy the item. If you don't want it, choose the other one (かわない), instead.

Ⓒ-click reaction

If you press Ⓒ on the main screen without having any icon selected, your Tamagotchi will react!
Each life stage has a different set of possible reactions.

These reactions replace the random animations Tamagotchis would do on the previous release.
I love these reactions, but I kinda miss some of the specific animations only some characters did, like the watching TV one stubborn adults did…

Seasonal events

You will be able to see seasonal events on their corresponding dates:

... ...



Your Tamagotchi will celebrate your birthday!
It will happen as soon as they wake up.

You can also get special items via connection in certain months. (They're the items with a month as a requirement.)

Gotchi points upon growth

Your Tamagotchi will get Gotchi points every time they grow.
The amount of points depends on the stage and type of the character you just got:

Tamagotchi's type Points obtained
Toddler 100
Serious teen 200
Normal teen 150
Serious adult 500
Normal adult 400
Naughty adult 350
Stubborn adult 300
Senior 500
(Akai) Paparatchi 400
(Akai) Oyajitchi 400

Change of generation

To get to the next generation, your Tamagotchi must get married and have a baby.
There are two ways of doing this: via connection and with the matchmaker's help.

Love marriage

Marriage via connection can happen when two compatible Tamagotchis (same version, different gender) connect a lot and fall in love.
Click here for more info on that kind of marriage.

Arranged marriage

If your Tamagotchi spends three days as an adult without getting married, Otokitchi, the matchmaker, will start visiting them with a potential partner.
She'll come three times a day: 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The potential partners she brings depend on your Tamagotchi's luck:

Luck level Partners' types
5, 4 Serious, normal
3, 2 Normal, naughty, stubborn
1 Stubborn

The baby's luck level will depend on your current Tamagotchi's level and their partner's type:

5 5 4
4 4 4
3 3 3 2
2 3 2 2
1 1

(Hold on… if the lowest possible luck value on generation one is 2… Wouldn't it be impossible for a Tamagotchi to ever have a luck level of 1? )

To let your Tamagotchi marry this partner, choose the first option (する).
Choose the other one (しない) to turn them down.

The baby

Your Tamagotchi will have a baby after they get married.
They'll live together for a while, but the parent will leave at midnight after 24 hours have passed.
When the baby wakes up, you will be able to raise them like you raised their parent.