Tamagotchi Keitai guide:
🥚 Return to Tamagotchi
🐯 Return to Home


With this icon you'll be able to see your Tamagotchi's friends, your items and the Tamagotchis you've raised before.

These are the four options you can choose:

Friend list

Here you can see all the Tamagotchis you've connected to.
Press Ⓐ to see the next friend or Ⓑ to see more info on the current friend.
The first time you press Ⓑ you'll see the friend's gender ("おす" if they're male, "めす" if they're female), and the second time you'll see their friendship level.
If you press Ⓑ a third time you'll see their name again, but, if you press Ⓐ while the gender or friendship level is shown, you'll be asked if you want to delete that friend from the list…
Choose the first option (はい) to do it or the second one (いいえ) to go back.

Read the connection section for more info on the friendship levels.

You can keep up to 50 friends in the list!


Here you'll be able to see and use your items.
Press Ⓐ to go to the next item or Ⓑ to use it.
If the item has a heart icon like in the image, you'll be able to play a special connection game if you connect to another Keitai.

Remember not all characters can use all items.
Take a look at the requirements in the item list.
Keep in mind you must go to the connection icon to use a travel ticket.

You can use the items as many times as you want!
And, therefore, you cannot have more than one instance of the same item. You can't grow a stuffed toy collection… you'll have to manage with just two, if you find the hidden one.


First you'll see the amount of Gotchi points you have.
Press Ⓐ to see the amount of points you have donated to the King.

If you press Ⓑ, you'll be asked if you want to donate points.
Choose the first option (はい) to do it, or the second one (いいえ) to go back.
If you decide to do it, you'll get to choose how much to donate (between 10 and 90 points) pressing Ⓐ, and confirm the amount with Ⓑ.

If you donate 1000G, you'll be given a code (it will be saved as an item).
If you write that code into the password generator, you will get a password that you can use to get visited by the Gotchi King.


You get two options:

おはか [Grave]

Here you'll be able to see the Tamagotchis you've lost…
Press Ⓐ to see the next one or Ⓑ to get more info on the current one.
You'll be able to see their age, weight and cause of death.
There are three causes:

ファミリー [Family]

Here you'll see the Tamagotchis you raised on previous generations.
Press Ⓐ to see the next one. You can see up to three generations back and their partners.

You will find a code if you press Ⓑ when the first Tamagotchi in this list (the one you raised on the previous generation) is shown.
If you write that code into the password generator, you'll get a password you can use to get money from them.