Tamagotchi Keitai guide:
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Password analysis

The passwords on the Keitai series are 10 digits long.
Among them there are 6 variables, a pattern marker and a digit for the checksum.
The other two digits are normally just some random number, but it's easier to leave them at 0…
The 6 variables are:

There are five possible [P]atterns. The second digit always dictates the pattern:

P = 0 or 1:
[X] [P] [0] [B] [A]
[0] [R] [T] [Y] [S]

P = 2 or 3:
[0] [P] [A] [R] [Y]
[X] [S] [0] [B] [T]

P = 4 or 5:
[0] [P] [B] [R] [Y]
[T] [X] [S] [A] [0]

P = 6 or 7:
[0] [P] [T] [A] [R]
[X] [B] [Y] [S] [0]

P = 8 or 9:
[R] [P] [0] [X] [B]
[S] [T] [Y] [0] [A]

The check[S]um is calculated by adding up all other 9 digits and taking the unit.
For example, if we want to buy a Katana [56]…
Using the most simple password pattern [0], first we would have:
[0] [0] [0] [6] [5] - [0] [0] [0] [0] [S]
Then we would calculate the checksum like this: S = 0 + 0 + 0 + 6 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1[1]
Then, our final password would be: 00065 - 00001


The purchase passwords always have a T value of 0.
The ID number will dictate the item that you will be able to buy.
The other variables do not matter, it's easier to leave them all at 0.

Parent's money

The T value will be 1 on the Keitama. On the Akai, T will be 7 and R will be 0.
The ID number must be the character you raised on the previous generation.
The X value will be the money you will get: X=0 : 500; X=1 : 600; X=2 : 700; X=3 : 900; X=4 : 1000
The Y value will be the amount of times your Tamagotchi has visited their parents. Keep in mind this counts the the current visit as well… in the first password Y will be 1, not 0.

King's visit

T will be 2.
The ID number will be your current character's in the code you get after donating the 1000 Gotchi points. However, in the password you must write in your Keitai to get the King's gifts, the value will always be 44.


T will be 3.
The ID number will dictate the item you will get.
Keep in mind this is only for hidden items, you can't just get all items for free using this type of password…


T will be 4 on the Keitama. On the Akai, T will be 7 and R will be 1.
The ID number will be your current character's.
The additional info value will dictate the destination: XY=67 : Europe; XY=68 : South America; XY=69 : Oceania; XY=70 : You knock on a jumping door! (Keitama, unused); XY=71 : Africa; XY=72 : North America.
This password will always be generated by your Keitai upon using a travel ticket. Its only purpose was to be used on the phone app, so you could see a photo of the trip…
It seems each character could have multiple different photos for the same destination, but I don't know the details…


T will be 5 on the Keitama. On the Akai, T will be 7 and R will be 2.
The ID number will be your current character's.
The additional info value would be the ID of the item you are offering on the password generated by the Keitai. The password you must input would have to use the ID of the item you will receive instead.

Tip! With the trade function you can get all regional items by buying the cheapest one (Natto) multiple times.
Remember you can only have one instance of each item. You would have to buy it, trade it, and then buy it again.

Here are all the characters' ID numbers:

ID number Keitama Akai
01 Petitchi Heartchi
02 ShiroPetitchi ShiroHeartchi
03 Hitodetchi Cheritchi
04 Kuribotchi Akai Kuribotchi
05 Ichigotchi Akai Ichigotchi
06 Ringotchi Akai Ringotchi
07 Nikatchi Tomatchi
08 Young Mametchi Akai Young Mametchi
09 Mametchi Akai Mametchi
10 Kuchipatchi Akai Kuchipatchi
11 Debatchi Akai Debatchi
12 Kurokotchi Akai Kurokotchi
13 Flowertchi Ribotchi
14 Dorotchi Tengutchi
15 Memetchi Akai Memetchi
16 Paparatchi Akai Paparatchi
17 Wooltchi Akai Wooltchi
18 Gozarutchi Akai Gozarutchi
19 Oyajitchi Akai Oyajitchi
20 Ojitchi Akai Ojitchi
21 Otokitchi Akai Otokitchi
22 Nazotchi Nazotchi
23 Omuratchi Omuratchi
24 Capsuletchi Capsuletchi
25 Tamagotchi Tamagotchi
26 Tsutayatchi Tsutayatchi
27 Burgertchi Burgertchi
28 Denpatchi Denpatchi
29 Maikutchi Maikutchi
30–39 -* -*
40 Hinatchi Darumatchi
41 Young Oyajitchi Akai Young Oyajitchi

*These values have no character info. Memetchi will appear by default… but using a senior Tamagotchi's animations.