This icon will light up every time your Tamagotchi needs your care.
There are three kinds of call: Hungry, Happy and sickness calls.
You get 15 minutes to answer the calls.
The icon will turn off if you don't do it in time. You will have made a care mistake.
These mistakes are not split into categories in this version.
If you already made three mistakes during that stage, your Tamagotchi may start begging after it happens.
The amount of mistakes you make during the toddler stage will dictate the teen character your Tamagotchi grows into.
Your Tamagotchi will die if:
- You let them stay with zero Hungry hearts for twelve hours.
- You let them stay sick for twelve hours.
- They get sick five times during the same stage.
- They get several care mistakes during the senior stage.
When the requirements are met, the Grim Gotchi will show up and take your Tamagotchi in two minutes.
If you have already lost another Tamagotchi, you will be given 30 minutes instead, so you have time to summon their spirit and have it chase the Grim Gotchi away.
You can do that by checking their grave in the notebook icon.
If you can't save your Tamagotchi, they'll die…
Press Ⓐ and Ⓒ at the same time to hatch a new egg and start over at the first generation.
You won't lose your items.