Tamagotchi Jinsei guide:
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Password analysis

I found everything about these passwords on this Tama Zone thread by the user binary.

The passwords in the Jinsei series are 14 digits long. There are eight variables: six of them have two digits, and two of them have one.
They are the following

*The four digits used in the login code for the destination ID number and the mail ID number are used in the logout code as the received item ID number. These are the four digits that appear before each item on the password generator in this order: D1 D2 N1 N2.

You may find the character's ID numbers in the Tamagotchi list.
I have not been able to gather all the letters' ID numbers yet…
The session number is just a number randomly generated each time you get a login code.


Number Entama Uratama
01 Scientist Festival worker
02 News anchor Comedian
03 Teacher Circus performer
04 Doctor Comic artist
05 Banker Toy maker
06 Singer Enka singer
07 Fashion designer Band member
08 Baker Jeweler
09 Hairstylist Dancer
10 Florist Magician
11 Hot springs attendant Adventurer
12 Preschool teacher Bodybuilder
13 Police officer Fighter
14 Travel guide Firefighter
15 Chef Carpenter
16 Weather changer Boat operator
17 Starting lights operator Alarm clock
18 Living clock Smile sign
19 Super Unchikun helper Cheerleader
20 Royal servant City lights operator
21 Preschool student Preschool student
22 Intelligence student Humor student
23 Style student Gorgeous student
24 Kindness student Passion student
25 Preschool candidate Preschool candidate
26 Preschool graduate Preschool graduate
27 Graduate Graduate
28 Unemployed Unemployed


Number Destination
0X Too young for preschool
1X Preschool student
2X Student
3X First day at work
4X Worker
0Y Mame City
1Y GuruGuru Town
2Y Patchi Forest
3Y Gozaru Village
4Y Berry Town
5Y Flower Hills
6Y Oyaji Village

The "X" will be either a 0 or a 1 on an Entama, or a 4 on an Uratama. The numbers that end on "X" are for normal visits to Tamagotchi Town or Uratama Town.
The "Y" will be either a 2 or a 3 on an Entama, or a 5 on an Uratama. If the number ends in "Y" that means you used a ticket or an UFO to go to one of the special locations.


There are five different patterns. The pattern digit will always be the sixth one.

P = 0 or 1
D2 G1 S1 E2 S2 P G2
C D1 T1 E1 N2 T2 N1
P = 2 or 3
E2 D1 D2 S2 T1 P S1
C N1 T2 G2 E1 G1 N2
P = 4 or 5
S2 T2 E1 N2 C P G1
N1 E2 S1 D1 D2 T1 G2
P = 6 or 7
S1 N2 N1 T2 G2 P T1
E2 S2 G1 E1 C D2 D1
P = 8 or 9
G1 C N2 S1 N1 P E2
E1 D2 G2 D1 T1 S2 T2


This number must be the result of adding every other number together and taking the unit digit.



To generate a logout password we must replace the digits for the destination and the news for the ones we want. For example, if we want the Hatena dating card #3 [5187] we would get:


We can also change the pattern: