Tamagotchi Jinsei guide:
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Games (Entama)

There are three games on the Entama, one for each skill. The special CYOI version has different games.
I'll show you all of them in order:

These are the games found on the normal version:

Match cards

You will be shown four cards. Choose two of them (use the β’Ά button to select one and the β’· button to confirm). If both of them have the same character, you will pass the round.
You will win if you are lucky and pass all six rounds.

Happy Intelligence Gotchi
0 0 0 0
1 +1 0 +10
2 +1 +1 +30
3 +1 +1 +100
4 +2 +3 +200
5 +3 +5 +300
6 +6 +10 +500

Make an outfit

You will see poop and clothes falling. You must move the mannequin using the β’Ά and β’· buttons to catch the clothes and avoid the poop.
You will win if you get 100 points.

Score Happy Style Gotchi
0-2 0 0 0
3-9 +1 0 +10
10-29 +1 +1 +30
30-49 +1 +1 +100
50-69 +2 +3 +200
70-99 +3 +5 +300
100 +6 +10 +500

Save the baby

There's a baby on top of a block tower! You must hit the blocks at just the right moment to remove them and make the tower smaller.
You will win if you manage to remove all 30 blocks.

Score Happy Kindness Gotchi
0-2 0 0 0
3-9 +1 0 +10
10-14 +1 +1 +30
15-19 +1 +1 +100
20-26 +2 +3 +200
27-29 +3 +5 +300
30 +6 +10 +500

These are the games found on the CYOI version:

Wavering dictionaries

Mr. Turtlepedia is carrying way too many books and they are going to fall. You must help him keep his balance. Press β’Ά if he is falling to the right and press β’Έ if he is falling to the left.
You will win if you get 30 points.

Score Happy Intelligence Gotchi
0-2 0 0 0
3-9 +1 0 +10
10-14 +1 +1 +30
15-19 +1 +1 +100
20-26 +2 +3 +200
27-29 +3 +5 +300
30 +6 +10 +500

Stylish glasses

The Gotchi King wants both of his glasses' lenses to match. Press β’· at just the right moment so the right lens matches the left one.
You will win if you pass six rounds.

Happy Style Gotchi
0 0 0 0
1 +1 0 +10
2 +1 +1 +30
3 +1 +1 +100
4 +2 +3 +200
5 +3 +5 +300
6 +6 +10 +500

Save the flower

You must care for a flower by removing the skulls on its petals. Press β’Έ to select the next petal clockwise and β’Ά to select the previous one. Press β’· to remove the skull from the selected petal.
You will win if you remove 100 skulls.

Score Happy Kindness Gotchi
0-2 0 0 0
3-9 +1 0 +10
10-29 +1 +1 +30
30-49 +1 +1 +100
50-69 +2 +3 +200
70-99 +3 +5 +300
100 +6 +10 +500

Your Tamagotchi will lose two grams if they do well enough in the game to get at least one Happy heart.