Here you'll be able to check your Tamagotchi's current status.
The first page will show you your Tamagotchi's Hungry meter (up) and Happy meter (down).
The more hearts are filled the better. Only four hearts are shown, but both parameters have six.
You must feed your Tamagotchi to fill their Hungry meter.
To fill their Happy meter, give them snacks or play with them.
On the second page you'll see your Tamagotchi's skills: intelligence (
, style (
and kindness (
The Uratama has a different set of skills: humor (
gorgeous (
and passion (
The third page will show you your Tamagotchi's group, where they work, and how many Gotchi points you have.
If you have an adult character with a job, you'll also see their rank in their job: from one star, when they start, to three.
You don't need to know Japanese to know what's written here!
You can find out what group your Tamagotchi belongs to using the [character list],
and where they work using [the job items list].
You'll see three things on the fourth page:
Your Tamagotchi's age, which increases every time they wake up.
Their weight, which increases when you feed them and decreases with games.
And their name.
On the fifth and last page you'll find their gender and the current generation.
It'll say "γγβ" if they are male and "γγβ" if they are female.