Tamagotchi Jinsei guide:
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On this page I will explain all the connection options in the Jinsei series.
On the first page you can find the options for connecting to another Jinsei device, to a Dekatama or to a Keitai series device.

On the Uratama you'll find the option for connecting to other Uratamas first and then the one for Entamas.
On the Entama you must always choose the first option when you want to connect to another Jinsei device, whether it's an Entama or an Uratama.

On the second page you have the options for connecting to Tamagotchi Town and for connecting to a Tamagotchi Station.

Jinsei series

There are four options: ใ‚ฒใƒผใƒ  [Games], ใ‚ใ’ใ‚‹ [Give gift], ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใ† [Get gift] and ใ‘ใฃใ“ใ‚“ [Marry].
Let's see them all in order.


You may play either of these games: ใŸใพใ„ใ‚Œ [Toss the bean bags] and ใ‚ซใƒฉใ‚ชใ‚ฑ [Karaoke]. You must choose the same game on both devices for them to play.

If you want them to play the karaoke game, you must also choose a musical genre: ใƒญใƒƒใ‚ฏ [Rock], ใƒใƒƒใƒ—ใ‚น [Pop] or ใˆใ‚“ใ‹ [Enka]. You may choose a different style on each device.

The winner will get a Happy heart and 30 Gotchi points—the other Tamagotchi will lose a Happy heart. Their friendship level will increase by 10% no matter what.
The probabilities they have of winning depend on their luck level.


You may choose between four kinds of gift: ใŸในใ‚‚ใฎ [Food], ใŸใ‹ใ‚‰ใฐใ“ [Item], ใƒ—ใƒฌใ‚ผใƒณใƒˆ [Present] and ใใ›ใค [Seasonal].

If you choose to gift food or an item, you'll have to choose something with โ’ถ and confirm your selection with โ’ท. You can also gift a seasonal item, which changes depending on the month.

Month Seasonal food
January Mochi
February Chocolate heart
March Sweet sake
April Picnic set
July Soybeans
September Tsukimi dango
December Christmas cake

The third option is to gift something you don't have in your inventory. You may choose between four things, they may make the friendship level of the receiving Tamagotchi increase. The options are: small cake (5%), big cake (8%), flower bouquet (10%) and ring (15%).

The receiving Tamagotchi may not like the gift. In that case, their friendship level will decrease instead. The percentage (in brackets) by which the friendship level changes will be the same when it decreases.
Be careful when you use this option! If you want to increase the friendship level between two Tamagotchis, it's better to make them play instead.


You can use this option to make two Entamas or two Uratamas marry.
An Uratama cannot marry an Entama, their environments are too different.
Both Tamagotchis must be at the same growth stage (adult or senior) and have graduated from school to be able to marry. Their friendship level must be "partner" or higher.

Friendship levels

Friendship (%) Opposite genders Same gender Siblings
0-19 Acquaintance [ใ—ใ‚Šใ‚ใ„] Acquaintance [ใ—ใ‚Šใ‚ใ„] Distant siblings [ใ‚ˆใใ‚ˆใๅ…„ๅผŸ]
20-59 Friend [ใจใ‚‚ใ ใก] Friend [ใจใ‚‚ใ ใก] Close siblings [ใชใ‹ใ‚ˆใ—ๅ…„ๅผŸ]
60-79 Close friend [ใ—ใ‚“ใ‚†ใ†] Close friend [ใ—ใ‚“ใ‚†ใ†] Close siblings [ใชใ‹ใ‚ˆใ—ๅ…„ๅผŸ]
80-89 Partner [ใ“ใ„ใณใจ] Best friend [ใ ใ„ใ—ใ‚“ใ‚†ใ†] Harmonious siblings [ใ‚€ใคใพใ˜ๅ…„ๅผŸ]
90-99 Passionate love [ใญใคใ‚ใ„] Best friend [ใ ใ„ใ—ใ‚“ใ‚†ใ†] Harmonious siblings [ใ‚€ใคใพใ˜ๅ…„ๅผŸ]


The luck level is a number from 1 to 5 that each Tamagotchi has from birth. The luck level of a Tamagotchi born from a love marriage will depend on the sum of the parents' levels.

Sum Luck
2–4 1
5 2
6 3
7 4
8–10 5


A Tamagotchi's group is genetic—if you want the next generation to be a specific group, you have to choose the right partner for your Tamagotchi.
These are all the possible combinations:

Parents Children
Mame Mame Mame
Mame Kuchi
Meme Meme Meme
Meme Mame
Kuchi Kuchi Kuchi
Kuchi Meme

Sometimes you will have to wait two generations before getting the group you want.
For example, if you want a Kuchi group Tamagotchi but you are currently raising a Mame one, you must rise a Meme group Tamagotchi the next generation. Then, that Meme Tamagotchi will be able to have a Kuchi child.

Groups work the same in the Uratama.

You will be able to marry your Tamagotchi with any normal character even if you only have one device. You just need to wait for the matchmaker to show up.

Deka Tamagotchi

You can use this option to connect with Deka Tamagotchis or any other device capable of sending items or money to your Tamagotchi.
I don't know all the details, but, unless you have a Tamagotchi School or an Ouchi no Deka, you are most likely not going to use it.

Keitai series

Tamagotchis from the Jinsei series can connect with the Keitai series.
You just have to choose this option on the Jinsei series device and the Keitai option on the Keitai series device.

There are no special connection items on these devices, so you will only be able to play the competing for Gotchi points game.
They will also be able to exchange gifts, but you won't get any item that will be stored in the inventory.

They won't be able to get married!
Don't bother trying to make them fall in love.

[Everything else works the same as in the Keitai]

Computer and phone

There are two options. The first one is for visiting Tamagotchi Town normally, and the second one is for using a ticket or the UFO.
Tamagotchi Town's website was closed down long ago, so the second option is useless now, but you may still use the first option to buy items and get gifts.

[Click here to use the password generator]

Tamagotchi Station

It's similar to the Deka option but for Tamagotchi Stations.
You may use it to send your Tamagotchi to a different device, like a Tamagotchi School, or the TV game.