Tamagotchi Jinsei guide:
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These are the events that take place in the Jinsei series.

Daily events


Teen and adult Tamagotchis will brush their teeth twice a day. In the morning and before going to bed.
Teens will brush their teeth at 8 p.m. and adults will do it at 8:30 p.m.
They will also do it at 9:30 a.m. during both stages.

Teen, adult and senior Tamagotchis will bathe every evening.
Teens and senior will do it at 7 p.m. and adults will do it at 7:30 p.m.

Door-to-door salesman

Ojitchi, the door-to-door salesman, will show up twice a day: 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Each time he comes he will try to sell one of these kinds of item to you:

Choose the first option (かう) to buy the item. If you don't want it, choose the other one (かわγͺい), instead.

β’Έ-click reaction

If you press β’Έ in Tamagotchi mode without any icon selected, your Tamagotchi will react!
Babies and toddlers will just smile, but once they are older they will get up close instead!

Seasonal events

You will be able to see various seasonal events during the corresponding dates:

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[You can also get seasonal items as connection gifts during the corresponding months]

Your Tamagotchi will celebrate your birthday!
Just like with the other events, it will happen as soon as they wake up. It will also happen later in the day sometimes.

Life stages


This stage lasts one hour. Your Tamagotchi will get sick ten minutes after you name them. 20 minutes later, they will take a five minute nap.

Babies will lose a Hungry heart every three minutes and a Happy one every five minutes. They will poop every six minutes.


As soon as they reach this stage, they will get a letter ([special delivery]) that lets them enter preschool.
Once they are in, they'll get a bag and 100 Gotchi points. The teacher will visit three times every day: at 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Your Tamagotchi will gain a Happy heart with every visit.

Toddlers will lose a Hungry heart every 40 minutes and a Happy one every 45 minutes. They will poop every 80 minutes and have a 40% chance of getting sick every time they get a care mistake.

Every Tamagotchi starting from this stage will wake up at 9 a.m. Toddlers go to bed at 8 p.m.

Your Tamagotchi will graduate preschool and become a teen after spending two days in this stage.


They will get a letter to enter school as soon as they become a teen.
Your Tamagotchi will do a test to get assigned to a class. Once that's done, their new teacher will give them an uniform and school supplies.
They'll also get 300 Gotchi points.
Their teacher will come every day at 10:00 a.m., 15 p.m. and 18 p.m. to play a game. You will be shown three gifts, you have to pick one. If you choose correctly, your Tamagotchi will get ten points in the skill corresponding to their class.

Teens will lose a Hungry heart every 50 or 45 minutes and a Happy one every 55 or 50 minutes. (Their hearts will drain faster if they got many care mistakes during the previous stage.) They will poop every 100 or 90 minutes and have a 35% chance of getting sick every time they get a care mistake.

Teens will go to bed at 9 p.m.

Your Tamagotchi will become an adult after spending three days in this stage.


Your Tamagotchi will get 500 Gotchi points as soon as they become an adult, unless they're Oyajitchi, who only gets 400.
Two days later they will graduate and get a letter telling your Tamagotchi to go get a job. (You can read about this in the [mail section]).

Your Tamagotchi will be able to get married once they get a job. The matchmaker will start appearing the next day, and she will introduce random possible partners to your Tamagotchi. She will come at 10:30 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.
The baby's group will be determined in the same way as they would in [a love marriage].
To accept the partner the matchmaker offers, choose the first option (する).
Choose the other one (しγͺい) to reject them.

A day after getting their job, your Tamagotchi will get paid for the first time. They'll get paid every day at the same time, more or less. If your Tamagotchi meets the requirements to become one of the three special characters, they'll do it at the same time they get paid for the third time.
Your Tamagotchi will get 400 Gotchi points if they become one of these characters.

Adults will lose a Hungry heart every 70 minutes and a Happy one every 75 minutes. They will poop every 140 minutes and have a 30% chance of getting sick every time they get a care mistake.

Oyajitchis are a little different: they will lose a Hungry heart every 75 minutes and a Happy one every 45 minutes. They will poop every 150 minutes and have a 40% chance of getting sick every time they get a care mistake.

Adults go to bed at 10 p.m.

Your Tamagotchi will become a senior character if they spend ten days in this stage.


Your Tamagotchi will get 500 Gotchi points upon becoming a senior character.
They'll keep working and getting paid, but the matchmaker will no longer come. You can marry them via connection or using the [item for calling the matchmaker].

Seniors will lose a Hungry heart every 80 minutes and a Happy one every 110 minutes. They will poop every 160 minutes and have a 40% chance of getting sick every time they get a care mistake.

Seniors go to sleep at 8 p.m.